Gilad Shalit has been held captive in Gaza for:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Peeve: Not having time to write

This is a big one - I love to write and hate when I can't find the time to write as much as I'd like. We've been moving houses - a world of pet peeves there - and have had no time to write ... so soon, I'll be back with more - please send me comments on what your pet peeves are...eventually, I realize, I'm going to run out of my own and if I don't get some comments...people are going to think all I ever do is complain...when really, I don't.

Except now, when I'm complaining that I don't have time to complain!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pet Peeve: Windshield Wiper Fluid

Have you ever noticed when you run out of fluid? It's always after a light rain which delivers mostly mud while you are at work, and away from any way to fill it.

It doesn't even seem to give you much warning - it just spurts its last spurt and then nothing.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Pet Peeve: Traffic Backup

Here's another thing I can't stand - traffic. Okay, that can't be called a pet peeve because everyone hates it, but I have a pet peeve about MY traffic.

I live on a beautiful mountain that overlooks a valley, that stretches length-wise between Jerusalem and my city. From my living room, I can see Jerusalem on the next set of hills. I can also see, far below me and climbing up, the highway that allows tens of thousands of people from my city to enter Jerusalem and beyond. Every morning for the last few months, traffic has built all the way from Jerusalem down the hill and sometimes even curving back up our side.

And my pet peeve is that I can look out the window and see the road is clear, but in the 15 minutes it takes me to leave my home, cross the city and finish the descent before circling and climbing...the traffic will build suddenly. What good is having a window on traffic, if it takes you so long to get there, the traffic has such a chance to change? We're moving in a few weeks - maybe then I'll know if it is better to knwo or not know, expect or not expect.

Either way, I hate traffic...but I guess that doesn't really count because is there anyone who LOVES traffic?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pet Peeve: The Gas in Your Tank

Another pet peeve of mine is the amount of gas in your car is directly (and inversely) proportional to the distance you have to drive and the amount of extra time you have. If you have plenty of time and are traveling nearby, your tank will be full. If you are running late and need to travel a great distance, you will find your tank near empty.

An add-on to this pet peeve is special to Israel where many gas stations give out free newspapers on Friday morning. In this case, you often find that you don't care about getting the free newspaper - you just need to go somewhere...and of course, everyone else DOES care about the free newspaper and so all tend to want to get gas at the same time and at the same location.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pet Peeve: The Chain of the Find

I can't stand when I can't find something; worse, I can't stand when I can't find something because I'm sure I put it in one of those "safe places" and I can't find the key to where that is.

And, of course, the issue is urgent and time related and if I don't find it immediately, finding it later will have little importance!

Pet Peeve: Phone Batteries

Yes, I know you have to charge them, but did you ever know that that amount of time that a telephone battery remains charged is directly proportional not just to the amount of time you use the phone (and how dumb is that - the more you need to talk, the more you need the battery, so why is that the time it goes dead!), but also to the amount of distance you are from the charger.

It's true - honest! So if you forget the charger at home one day - that's the day everyone will call...until you are driving home with no phone at all.

Yes, phone batteries and the impossibly short time they last is yet another of my pet peeves!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Running Out of Paper...and Not Knowing it

I hate sending a large file to print and then waiting long enough, going to the printer...only to find that you ran out of paper pretty early on and now you have to go back and wait while it prints out. Yup, that bothers me - and worst of all - it usually happens when you are in a rush or want to go home.